- [ ] Underwriting and Finances:
- [ ] Projecting Revenue Look at projected revenue, Occupancy Rate, Average Nightly Rent. You can use the website/tools below (Ranked from most credible/popular)
Critera for Good Market
- [ ] So when you are picking a market. Look for the following on AirDNA:
- [ ] More than 200 listings
- [ ] Rental Demand 70+
- [ ] Grade B or higher
- [ ] Make sure regulation good.
- Regulations, permits, business licenses are actually a good thing
- Cities that don’t require business license or permits are risky
- Avoid Cities with restrictions including: primary residence, arbitrage restrictions, and minimum 30 days or more. Explanations!!!!
- if it needs to be your primary residence —> not going to be able to scale
- if you have arbitrage restrictions —> run into city trouble
- 30 days or more —> your going to LTR rights for tenants + also different audience MTR, Insurance agents, Furnished Finder + also mismatch with getting tenants.
For more detail on regulation see:
Understanding City Regulation
**Cashflow Calculator here!**
Define your goals
- Define your goal:
- Places that you can make your money back in 6-9 months (150-200% ROI)
- Places where you will net close to 1/3 of the gross earnings
- ie: if you gross $9K at a home, you need to net close to $3K