<aside> 🚩 Should any provision in this employee handbook be found to be unenforceable and invalid, such a finding does not invalidate the entire employee handbook, but only the subject provision. Nothing in this handbook is intended to infringe upon employee rights under Section Seven of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) or be incompatible with the NLRA.

We ask that employees read this guide carefully, become familiar with Soupleaf Hotpot and our policies, and refer to it whenever questions arise.


1.0 Alcoholic Beverages

No employee shall be under the influence of and/or possession of or using alcoholic beverages including drinking such beverages during paid work hours.  No employee shall drive a Restaurant’s vehicle or operate any equipment while under the influence of alcohol.

2.0 Drugs

No employee shall be under the influence of and/or possession of and/or use drugs (other than medicines given under a doctor’s prescription) and/or solicitation, distribution or purchase drugs.  No employee shall drive a Restaurant’s vehicle or operate any equipment while under the influence of drugs.

3.0 Offensive Weapons

Employees shall not carry offensive weapons such as firearms, explosive materials, poison, corrosive chemicals, knives, sharp objects, etc. within the Restaurant premises or keep them in their personal lockers/drawers/cabinets.

4.0 Solicitation

No employee shall solicit or promote support for any cause or organization (including political parties) during his working time or during the working time of the employee at whom such activity is directed.

5.0 Distribution of Literature

No employee shall distribute or circulate any written or printed materials in his work area during his working time or during the working time of the employee at whom such activity is directed.  Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with, restrain or prevent communications regarding wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment.

6.0 Smoking

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Restaurant’s premise. Smoking is permitted only outside the Restaurant’s premise during break time only.

7.0 Restaurant’s Properties

No employee is allowed to use Restaurant’s properties for his personal use.  Employees should know that they have no expectation of privacy in their work areas, vehicles, or any personal items they may bring onto Restaurant property.

Restaurant’s properties e.g. lockers, desks, cabinets, vehicles, equipment, tools, etc. must be maintained according to Restaurant’s procedures and/or instructions and must be kept clean at all times and return to its storage area after use.

The Restaurant reserves the right to inspect all Restaurant’s property without notice to the employee and whether or not the employee is present.

If the Restaurant has a reasonable suspicion that an employee is in unauthorized possession of Restaurant’s properties, he may be subjected to an inspection. Employees who refuse to cooperate in such inspections are subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Employees should return all Restaurant’s properties provided to him during his period of employment with the Restaurant to his Supervisor on the last day of his employment in the Restaurant.