Before PSA
- [ ] Google Drive Folder
- [ ] Analyze Offering Memorandum (OM). Attach here
- [ ] Is it professionally managed?
- [ ] Research market rent rates
- [ ] Why Being sold
- [ ] Days On Market (DOM)?
- [ ] Was it listed previously?
- [ ] Why the current vacancy rate? Inquire about historic occupancy levels
- [ ] What deferred maintenance exists?
- [ ] When was the roof replaced? How old is it?
- [ ] When was the parking lot last repaved and/or re-striped? (2023)
- [ ] Check auditor value and last sale
- [ ] Analyze the current P&L's as well as historical (past 3 years) if possible
- [ ] Find any available information about the property and seller online
- [ ] Google the address and analyze from 30,000 foot view down to the street
- [ ] Google
- [ ] the population count.
- 1 mile: 8.5k
- 3 mile: 48k
- 5 mile: 58k
- [ ] Google the job growth
- [ ] Google the main employers in the area
- [ ] Acquire the current rent rolls
- [ ] Research the tenants foot traffic on Placer
- [ ] What is the Vehicle Per Day (VPD) on the surrounding streets? Access Department of Transportation
- [ ] What value-add potential exists?
- [ ] Underwrite
- [ ] Incorporate 10% vacancy
- [ ] Questions
- [ ] Is seller open to creative financing? (seller financing, subto)
Create Google Drive folder with property identifier (ie. address or location)
Upload OM and all documents provided by broker